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ABOVE RIGHT2016 saw worldwide growth in the strength and conditioning and medical strandsofficiating strands remain hugely popular, this last year has seen continued high growth in the strength and conditioning and medical strands as an increasing number of member unions incorporate these courses into their own training programmes. The player welfare website has four online learning modules World Rugby’s number one strategic goal and investment priority is driving player welfare best practice, and training and education plays an important role in this process by providing major global training and education programmes for players, coaches, match officials and first aiders/medics.GLOBAL DELIVERY OF TRAINING AND EDUCATIONmodules for those who register on our online learning hub and over 19 face-to-face learning courses which provide a learning pathway from novice to experienced learner in all strands.T hese programmes are delivered through a “blended learning approach” of online and face-to-face learning. World Rugby’s training and education portfolio consists of more than 20 online learning on concussion awareness for the general public, doctors and healthcare professionals, match-day medical staff and elite match-day medical staff. These modules are in addition to the Rugby Ready, First Aid in Rugby and Immediate Care in Rugby modules that are also available in our online portfolio.This portfolio, shown above, is delivered globally throughout our regional associations and member unions by a fully trained, quality assured and licenced workforce of more than 1,900 Educators and Trainers who are supported in their regional associations by our team of seven Regional Training Managers. While the coaching and match Educator & Trainer • Coach • Match Official • S&C • MedicalImmediate Care in RugbyAdvanced Immediate Care in RugbyMedicalpractitionersEducation workforceTalent-identifiedcoaches and match officialsMatch CoachesofficialsManagers / AdministratorsWorld Rugby All stakeholdersAdministrators AcademyStrength and conditioningLevels 1, 2Coaching of match officialsLevels 1, 2SevensLevels 1, 2SevensLevels 1, 2FifteensLevels 1, 2, 3FifteensLevels 1, 2, 3World Rugby AcademyMatch CommissionerRugby ReadyFirst Aid In RugbyCompetency-based accreditation70 WORLD RUGBY YEAR IN REVIEW 2016EDUCATE | TRAINING AND EDUCATION