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HIGH PERFORMANCEWorld Rugby’s elite investment aims primarily to impact the improvement of standards of men’s 15s, with the goal of making Rugby World Cup as competitive as possible. As elite rugby evolves, we are developing high performance initiatives for men’s and women’s sevens and women’s 15s. In 2016, World Rugby invested £7.3m in its core programme, including £6.6m in union investments, of which £4.6m was invested in 10 tier two unions. The unions apply for funding through a competitive application process by presenting a Performance Case where they self-assess, plan and budget on five key drivers.DEVELOPMENTWorld Rugby’s participatory investment aims to grow rugby globally to 11 million players from the current 8.5 million with high profile, high visibility and great support; run by strong regional associations and unions. In 2016, World Rugby invested £8.9m in its core programme, including £8.3m in union and regional association investments, of which £3.5m was invested in performance and development unions. All unions and regional associations apply for this funding online where they self-assess, plan and budget on seven key drivers. TRAINING AND EDUCATIONWorld Rugby’s number one strategic goal and investment priority is driving player welfare best practice, which it actions through investment in player-focused research, laws, equipment, game analysis, medical initiatives and anti-doping (Keep Rugby Clean) and integrity (Keep Rugby Onside) programmes. Aligned with this are overarching major global training and education programmes for players, coaches, match officials, first aid and medical practitioners, including a full suite of online learning modules across four strands (coaching/strength and conditioning/player welfare/match officiating). In 2016, World Rugby invested £3m in its core programmes.REGIONAL COMPETITIONSWhile Rugby World Cups and Olympic Games competitions sit atop the global international competitions pathway, supported by other World Rugby tournaments and series, they are all underpinned by a suite of 100 international competitions across the six regional associations of World Rugby. In 2016, World Rugby invested £3.8m in its core programmes – in 15s and sevens, for women and men, at senior and age-grade levels. Regional associations apply for this funding online where they self-assess, plan tournaments and budget for revenue and expenditure in nine cost centres (competitions drivers). Regional Competitions Investment Drivers1. Team Services2. Rugby Services3. Tournament Management4. Tournament Services5. Venues6. Commercial and Broadcast7. Communications and Promotion8. Finance and Legal9. ITDevelopment Investment Drivers1. Governance2. Administration3. Participation4. Training and Education5. Competitions6. Performance7. Women’s RugbyHigh Performance Investment Drivers1. HP Leadership and Excellence2. HP Daily Training Environment3. HP Athletes, Coaches and Match Officials4. HP Sports Science Sports Medicine5. HP Competitions and CampaignsYEAR IN REVIEW 2016 WORLD RUGBY 99GAME INVESTMENT PROGRAMMES | FINANCING