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WORLD RUGBY CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR-ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2015IntroductionWorld Rugby prepares statutory consolidated financial statements on an annual basis. At the time of going to print, the 2016 statements are in the process of being finalised for audit. The following pages present the most recent consolidated financial statements for the year-ended 31 December, 2015.Due to the statutory nature of the following report, the categorisation of amounts differs to the preceding pages (which presented a summary review of 2016 financial activities). This report is also an abridged version of the 2015 statements; the Notes have been omitted. The full report can be accessed at STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOMEYear-ended 31 December, 2015CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Year-ended 31 December, 201520152014Notes Stg£ Stg£Revenue5344,853,5136,423,600Tournament related expenses(46,302,979)(14,733,857)Grant related expenses6(85,591,486) (36,910,858)Administration expenses7(23,729,043) (23,543,145)Other income81,652,488 1,741,983Other gains/(losses)9(1,231,339) (1,083,930)Profit before income tax189,651,154 (68,106,207)Income tax expense11(71,900) (50,266)Profit for the year189,579,254(68,156,473)20152014 Stg£ Stg£Profit/(loss) for the year189,579,254(68,156,473)Fair value (loss)/gain on available for sale financial assets(56,525)2,377,532Total comprehensive profit for the year189,522,729 (65,778,941)CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITYYear-ended 31 December, 2015Total equity Stg£Balance at 31 December, 201377,287,502Total comprehensive loss for the year(65,778,941)Balance at 31 December, 201411,508,561Total comprehensive profit for the year189,522,729Balance at 31 December, 2015201,031,290102 WORLD RUGBY YEAR IN REVIEW 2016FINANCING | FINANCIAL STATEMENTS