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2010Global tests 5,618 (World Rugby 1,288)54 Violations61 Violations106 Violations53 Violations54 Violations59 ViolationsGlobal tests 5,553 (World Rugby 1,714)Global tests 7,930 (World Rugby 1,542)Global tests 6,126 (World Rugby 1,831)Global tests 6,961 (World Rugby 2,021*)Global tests 8,451 (World Rugby 3,562*)20112012201320142015218173215937745733546552BloodBloodBlood27721824ABP (Blood)ABP (Blood)BloodABP (Blood)1,340715248116Urine* Urine* Urine* Urine* 59Urine* 1,8351,106272116Total Total Total Total 59Total WADA figures for 2016 will be available in June 2017 * Includes ABP figures not included in the global numbers* All urine samples are profiled via the Athlete Biological Passport – Steroidal Global number of rugby tests and anti-doping rule violationsTotal World Rugby conducted testsSevensUnder-20Regional OVERALL TEST TOTAL464OVERALL TEST TOTAL1,476OVERALL TEST TOTAL59OVERALL TEST TOTAL388RWCOut-of-competition Out-of-competition In-competitionIn-competitionOVERALL TEST TOTAL2,38777% 23% 3336473707KEEP RUGBY CLEAN | EDUCATE